Saturday, November 23, 2013

To Consider

Things I want to write about/explore:
-aesthetic of a classroom (simple, organized, inspiring, real, allotment of space to allow for what is important in the class)
-children are unique (know them, put on paper, their: personality, strengths and weaknesses,
 interests, fears, family dynamic, goals academically and socially
-no fluff education. real/not artificial
-organizing of a room; a curriculum; supplies; daily routines...
-"team mentality" approach to a class.
-daily routines (and weekly and monthly)
-memorization of poems and scripture
-importance of the arts
-incorporating many, many types of teaching to help all learners "from drilling to dreaming"
-daily fun facts
-not worrying what others think about you as a teacher---do what you know is right
-life skills and lessons
-start with the test. "backwards lesson planning"
-why i thrive w/ standardized testing/lesson planning
-why i respect emilio reggio-type lessons
-what is working around the world, what isn't